Forest Villages Mobile Application Bluetooth Sensing Device
Client: HKU Civil Society and Governance
「自遊森活」mobile application is developed by the University of Hong Kong's Centre for Civil Society and Governance. It allows the public to explore the Hakka villages of Lai Chi Wo, Mui Tsz Lam, and Kop Tong in the Sha Tau Kok area through self-guided tours using smart devices for interactive experiences with the surroundings. In this project, we designed a Bluetooth sensing device for the mobile application, placed in different corners of the three villages, to complement the operation of the "Exploring the Forest Villages" outdoor orienteering game. The device, created through 3D printing, not only houses a Bluetooth sensor but also incorporates five small tubes as insect hotels, aiming to provide habitat space for solitary bees. The outer design of the devices echoes the iconic floral-patterned glass commonly found in village houses. After six months of testing, signs of insect hotel usage were discovered!