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WORKSHOP 石硤尾街市由你改!
Imagine Shek Kip Mei Estate Market Workshop


合作伙伴: 香港基督教女青年會 深水埗綜合社會服務處
Collaborator: YWCA Sham Shui Po Integrated Social Service Centre

團隊成員 Team Member: Grace, 文龍, 吳碩軒Jerry Ng, Step, Terry, 謝菲Jaffe Tse & 業閔

什麼是由上而下? 什麼是由下而上? 我們為「拾源百塊」社區淘埗微展館, 籌備了一個為街坊和高中生而設的工作坊, 拆解由上而下以至由下而上社區設計。我們由田野考察開始, 學習聆聽、觀察、思考。 以第一身加第三身的角度, 了解如何建立自己的觀點、如何確認自己的想法有效、如何為他人設計。

What is top-down and what is bottom-up design? We were invited by 10 Stories 100 Pieces to organize a planning workshop for the community and secondary school students to give a taste of top-down and bottom-up social design approaches. We began with fieldworks in the Shek Kip Mei Estate Market to listen, observe and imagine. We introduced first person and third person perspectives to engage participants to establish their own points of view, to validate their thoughts and to design for the people.

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